Britney Spears, whose every move from club-hopping to head-shaving has grabbed gobs of tabloid ink. But rather than earn her adoration, the recent media onslaught has resulted in eye rolls. And worse.
According to studies by Encino, Calif.-based E-Poll Market Research, which provides appeal rankings for more than 3,000 celebrities, 72% of the U.S. population would use the term "overexposed" to describe Spears in 2007, as compared to only 54% five years earlier.To put that in perspective, most celebrities average between 3% and 7% during the peak of their careers. Worse: During that same period, her "talented" score, the presumed basis for her celebrity, fell from 35% to 25% on the E-Poll index.
But Spears isn’t the only star to have worn out her public welcome. Among others who audiences have tired of: Paris Hilton, Lindsay Lohan and the late-Anna Nicole Smith's lover Howard K. Stern. And while overexposure may have less to do with the precise number of headlines than it does the public’s perception of the celebrity, the 15 stars on our list have proved that familiarity can, and does, breed contempt.