1. Tyra Banks has commissioned supermodel-turned-interior designer Cindy Crawford to design a room in her new Hollywood home.
2. The last time Oscar winner and performer Jennifer Hudson sang onstage at Los Angeles' Kodak Theater prior to her performance at the Academy Awards was after she was voted off American Idol.
3. Rush Hour director Brett Ratner's grandmother has landed her own reality TV show in America. Fanita Presman has shot a VH1 pilot called My Grandson, The Director, in which she lives and parties with Ratner in Hollywood.
4. John Travolta and Kelly Preston are planning to co-star in a comedy with their six-year-old daughter Ella after being inspired by Will Smith starring with his son Jaden in The Pursuit of Happyness.
5. Oscar winner Alan Arkin tied Helen Hayes' Academy Awards record when he was nominated for Little Miss Sunshine--both stars had to wait 38 years between nods.
6. Horror writer Stephen King was so thrilled with the idea of Mission: Impossible III director J.J. Abrams making the movie adaptation of his latest work, The Dark Tower, he sold him an option on the film rights for $19.
7. Sarah Michelle Gellar was in demand at the Oscars post-show parties on Sunday night--Will Smith spent the evening trying to track the former Buffy the Vampire Slayer star down, so his son Jaden, an Academy Awards presenter, could meet his idol.
8. Michael Arndt, the screenwriter who claimed the Best Original Screenplay honor at the Oscars Sunday night for Little Miss Sunshine, is now working on the script for Toy Story 3.
9. Mark Wahlberg took girlfriend Rhea Durham to mass at St. Patrick's Cathedral in New York for their first date in 2001.
10. Acclaimed film director David Lynch provides daily weather forecasts for the Los Angeles radio station Indie 103.1.