There are many reasons why Britney Spears needs a blog. Instead of people going to the news and media to get info, she can simply tell the world about what's going on with her and express herself. Even though she hasn't been singing for years, there are still tons of fans that still are looking for information about her. Also it's good for her to have something to do & it's fun to have a blog.
Not only that, but she can share with the world her views and opinions. People could get to know the real britney. Not the britney that the news always talks about. She could post once a week or everyday if she feels like it. It would be good for her to write on a blog. Anyway, I like this idea. I'm surprised not all celebrities have blogs. It would make sense. We watch celebrities on TV, but know nothing about their real personality. It would shine through on a blog.
She could share with the world what she has been up too, and also share whatever she wants to share. She's a bright young woman, and by having a blog, the world would know this. She could write on her blog once a week, once a month, once a day, it's up to her. She could just sign right up at blogspot and upload her blog to britneyspears.com, or something. Anyway, just a thought/idea.