Fan Bingbing May Be The Next Thing.... But At What Cost?

Defintion of “Bada Bing, Bada Boom” from the Urban Dictionary:
mainly used as an expression for a very good looking person.
Example: Tony Soprano sees a drop-dead gorgeous female… this would be his cue to say “Bada Bing, Bada Boom!” … or in this case Fan Bada Bingbing, Bada Boomboom.
So is actress Bada Bing Bing set to replace Zhang Ziyi as the next big thing out of China? That’s yet to be seen and far less interesting at the moment than how she got to where she is.
According to a recent Cityweekend report, Fan’s talents may lie outside of her on-screen roles. As beautiful as she is, her sudden rise to popularity has sparked less than flattering gossip. The rumor mill has been abound with chatter of her past dalliances with strategic partners in the entertainment industry, perhaps a nip/ tuck to enhance her on-screen look, and some behind the scenes diva like political maneuvering.
If you’re a Fan of the Bada Bing Bing, you have to read the salacious details and be dazzled by larger versions of the picture gallery after the jump!